Refund Policy

Donation Refund Policy
We are grateful for your donation and support of our Organization. If you have made an error in donating or changed your mind about contributing to our Organization, you can ask for refunds using your donor account.

To refund the transaction, use the transaction details in the email you received to find the gift in Kindful. After, go to the Activities page and filter for the transaction based on the contact name, transaction date, or campaign. Once you find the transaction, select the arrow on the right side to see more details. You can press Void or Refund to issue a refund for this transaction. You will be taken to a Refund Transaction page when you click Void or Refund. Here, you can see the details of the original gift, as well as a selector to set the "Refund Method." Here, choose the card the donor paid with, or if the gift was refunded outside of Kindful, choose "I've already issued a refund outside of Kindful."

After this step, you will confirm the refund.

Feel free to send our support team an email at